Wednesday, August 19, 2009

oh my god

Why do I always end up getting shit faced drunk and doing something completely stupid? It seems like it happens all too often for me. I really hate, hate, hate it. I need to find a balance when drinking. Yikes.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Yet Again

I've been getting off track with my life... that's not good.
Tomorrow I will be on track.. I should probably go to sleep now. :)

Monday, May 25, 2009


I feel as though I'm knowingly getting myself into more than I can handle. I need to STOP. This isn't good at all. Ughhh. Well, I should start by stepping away from this computer. Last night I saw Styx in concert with Michelle and then stayed up all night long not doing much of anything. All I have to show for it is a stomach ache and I'm tired. I went to bed at about 10AM and slept until 2PMish.. Yuck. Bad decision, Steph! But I had a good time.. so it was worth it. Sort of. I don't know. Just please try to behave yourself. Despite all the beer I still weighed 153lbs this morning. My dad isn't home yet, and I don't know when he'll be getting home. It kind of concerns me because I need to leave for work in a little over 2 hours. 6:15... so I need to leave at around 5:45. Bleh. Anyway I'm going to take today as the day I get my act together.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

17lbs gone baby!

Too bad it's still incredibly frustrating since I'm still 26lbs away from where I want to be. Oh do I keep on movin' though! Lately I've been super in love with life. Maybe it's because I'm currently unemployed, maybe it's because I'm 17lbs less than I was before. Who knows! My tummy is getting full of coffee. Mark and I went to the beach yesterday. It was the first time (in a very, very long time) that I had the full beach experience. Bathing suit, swimming in the sun, laying out. So much fun. I'm glad I have Mark to break me out of my shell and force me to do things like that. I'm such a weenie. Time to kick this diet into overdrive. I only lost a pound this week. Two weeks and 5 days until Mark's beach party and my goal weight for it is *150*. Wouldn't that be nice? :) I was working out, but haven't for two nights, so tonight it's a MUST. Oh shizz my period is starting soon. Fucking bloated-ness here I come. Oh well.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009


This new eat healthy thing I've started is going pretty well. I love it. TWO weeks strong. Amazing for me. Hopefully I'll be able to survive another 6 weeks. Ha what am I saying? I will. I'm determined.
Tonight I'm going out with Mark. Dinner or DiNNER as he calls it. lol, but anyway, I plan on only eating a side salad. We will commence with drinking later than that... My limit will be 3 drinks. I don't need all that sugar..

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Oh the Sanity

I'd totally love this flower hummingbird tattooed somewhere on my body, but it won't happen for another 40lbs.
On unrelated note, I got the job at Safeway. I was asked to take a drug test on the SPOT! It was crazy, but I passed and tomorrow I go in to fill out paper work. Yay! Finally getting away from AMC. Diet's still on. Tomorrow will be 9 days... and counting. 20lbs lighter here I come!